Some of you have been sending me emails, saying: Why are you starting a blog about hedge fund careers? Well, admittedly, I only intend to write a few posts on this blog and then whenever someone asks me how to break into the industry or how to garner hedge fund employment, I can simply point them to the blog. Plus, I like writing, there isn’t as much to do in the distressed market right now (GO GREEN SHOOTS GO!), and the more people I can help out the better. Now, I started my hedge fund career when I was younger. …
One of the principles that I tell my friends when they ask me how to get a hedge fund job is thus: There are two ways to become a hedge fund analyst: 1. Get lucky or 2. Use your network. Now, you may be asking: Why would I be reading this blog if those were the only two ways to get a hedge fund job. Or better yet: Why would this nut job be writing about a topic that is effectively worthless? First of all, I am going to show you a few ways to really work your network (no …
In response to a number of queries from my more popular blog, I have decided to start a blog on how to get a hedge fund job. Why do you ask? Well, for two reasons: 1) To maintain distinct brands (this one employment and the other blog case studies) and 2) Because I have a lot of people asking me (friends and readers a like) on the best way to break into the hedge fund industry and get a hedge fund job. To familiarize my readers, I have worked at three distinct funds at this point in my career. Prior …